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Albanien Kroatien Mazedonien Republik Moldau Montenegro ...



„Adjusting Romania’s Central Public Administration to EU Structures: EU Justice and Home Affairs“
Workshop in co-operation with the National Institute of Administration (INA)
Bukarest (Rumänien) 17. – 21. Januar 2005

„Adjusting Romania’s Central Public Administration to EU Structures: The Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) of the EU“
Workshop in co-operation with the National Institute of Administration (INA)
Poiana Brasov (Rumänien) 14. – 18. März 2005

„The Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) of the EU“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania
Bukarest (Rumänien) 12. – 13. April 2005

„The Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) of the EU“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania
Bukarest (Rumänien) 20. – 21. April 2005

„Possibilities for Participation and Exertion of Influence for National Representatives in the EU“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry of European Integration of Romania
Bukarest (Rumänien) 26. – 28. April 2005

„Adjusting Romania’s Central Public Administration to EU Structures: EU Policy and the Coordination on the National Level“
Study Trip in co-operation with the National Institute of Administration (INA)
Berlin (Deutschland) und Brüssel (Belgien) 1. – 13. Mai 2005

„The Impact of European Integration on the Activities and Responsibilities of Senior Civil Servants“
Workshop in co-operation with the National Institute of Administration (INA)
Bukarest (Rumänien) 5. – 7. Mai 2005

„Justice and Home Affairs“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania
Bukarest (Rumänien) 12. – 13. Mai 2005

„Possibilities for participation and Exertion of Influence for National Representatives in the EU“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry of European Integration of Romania
Bukarest (Rumänien) 21. – 23. Juni 2005

„Adjusting Romania’s Central Public Administration to EU Structures – The Regional Policy of the EU“
Workshop in co-operation with the National Institute of Administration (INA)
Bukarest (Rumänien) 4. – 8. Juli 2005

„Adjusting Romania“s Central Public Administration to EU Structures: Recapitulation and Examination“
Workshop in co-operation with the National Institute of Administration (INA)
Bukarest (Rumänien) 12. – 16. September 2005

„Enhancing the Absorption Capacity Regarding EU-Funds in Romania “ The Political System of the EU“
Workshop in co-operation with the National Institute of Administration (INA)
Bukarest (Rumänien) 31. Oktober – 4. November 2005

„The Active Observer Status and the Coordination of EU Policy“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania
Bukarest (Rumänien) 22. – 23. November 2005

„The Active Observer Status and the Coordination of EU Policy“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania
Bukarest (Rumänien) 24. – 25. November 2005

„Enhancing the Absorption Capacity Regarding EU-Funds in Romania: Methodology and Didactics“
Workshop in co-operation with the National Institute of Administration (INA)
Bukarest (Rumänien) 5. – 9. Dezember 2005

„Romania and the Active Observer Status“
Workshop in co-operation with the National Institute of Administration (INA)
Sibiu (Rumänien) 12. – 16. Dezember 2005

„The Active Observer Status and the Coordination of EU Policy“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania
Bukarest (Rumänien) 20. – 21. Dezember 2005



„The Accession Negotiation between Croatia and the EU“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration
Zagreb (Kroatien) 20. – 21. April 2005

„Strengthening the Regional Cooperation between EU Trainer Groups“
Workshop in co-operation with the European Education Forum
Zagreb (Kroatien) 16. – 19. Juni 2005

„EU Accession Negotiation Training: Environmental Policy“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration
Zagreb (Kroatien) 5. – 6. Juli 2005

„EU Accession Negotiation Training: Competition Policy“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration
Zagreb (Kroatien) 7. – 8. Juli 2005

„EU Accession Negotiation Training: Regional Policy“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration
Zagreb (Kroatien) 7. – 8. November 2005

„EU Accession Negotiation Training: Free Movement of Goods: The principle of mutual recognition and its implementation“
Workshop in co-operation with Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration
Zagreb (Kroatien) 5. – 6. Dezember 2005

„EU Accession Negotiation Training: Public Procurement“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration
Zagreb (Kroatien) 13. – 14. Dezember 2005



„Advice to the Process of Rapprochement of Albania with the EU: Promotion of the Stabilisation and Association Process“
Consultation project in co-operation with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
Tirana (Albanien) 2. – 13. Mai 2005

„Advice to the process of rapprochement of Albania with the EU: promotion of the Stabilisation and Association Process“
Consultation project in co-operation with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
Tirana (Albanien) 7. – 16. Juni 2005

„Advice to the Process of Rapprochement of Albania with the EU: Promotion of the Stabilisation and Association Process“
Consultation project in co-operation with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
Tirana (Albanien) 5. – 16. September 2005

„Advice to the Process of Rapprochement of Albania with the EU: Promotion of the Stabilisation and Association Process“
Consultation project in co-operation with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
Tirana (Albanien) 7. – 17. November 2005

„Advice to the Process of Rapprochement of Albania with the EU: Promotion of the Stabilisation and Association Process“
Consultation project in co-operation with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
Tirana (Albanien) 12. – 21. Dezember 2005


Republik Moldau

„Implementation of the Action Plan: Political Dialogue and Cooperation in Justice and Home Affairs“
Workshop in co-operation with the Institute for Public Policy
Chisinau (Moldau) 27. – 29. Juni 2005

„Implementation of the Action Plan: Economic Policy“
Workshop in co-operation with the Institute for Public Policy
Chisinau (Moldau) 26. – 28. September 2005

„The Implementation of the Action Plan: Energy, Transport and Environmental Sector“
Workshop in co-operation with the Institute for Public Policy
Chisinau (Moldau) 24. – 26. Oktober 2005

„The Implementation of the Action Plan: Horizontal and Vertical Co-ordination of the Harmonisation with EU Law“
Workshop in co-operation with the Institute for Public Policy
Chisinau (Moldau) 1. – 2. Dezember 2005



„From Stabilization to Accession by Cross-border Cooperation“
Summer Academy in co-operation with the Macedonian Centre for European Training and the Open Society Institute Macedonia
Ohrid (Mazedonien) 5. – 11. September 2005



„Serbia and the Negotiations on a Stabilisation and Association Agreement: Coordination and Capacity Building“
Workshop in co-operation with the EU Integration Office of the Serbian Government
Belgrad (Serbien & Montenegro) 15.  16. November 2005

„The Chapter on Free Movements of Goods“
Workshop in co-operation with the EU Integration Office of the Serbian Government
Belgrad (Serbien & Montenegro) 13. – 14. Dezember 2005

„The Chapter on Free Movement of Capital and Liberalization of Financial Services“
Workshop in co-operation with the EU Integration Office of the Serbian Government
Belgrad (Serbien & Montenegro) 15. – 16. Dezember 2005



„Capacity Building in Montenegrin Line Ministries“
Fact-finding mission in cooperation with the Ministry for International Economic Relations and European Integration of Montenegro
Podgorica (Montenegro) 12. – 15. Dezember 2005

Über das Archiv Projekt: Hier finden Sie eine Zusammenstellung aller bisherigen Veranstaltungen und Seminare der Abteilung Capacity Developement des Instituts für Europäische Politik.

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