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Albanien Bosnien und Herzegowina Kroatien Mazedonien Republik Moldau ...


Serbien und Montenegro

„Investigative Journalism – the role of the Media in fighting corruption“
Workshop on Anti-Corruption in co-operation with the Agency for Anti-Corruption-Initiative, 30 January 2003, Podgorica (Union Serbia and Montenegro).

„EU-Trainer Programme in Montenegro-Final Examination“
Workshop, 18 – 19 March 2003, Podgorica (Union Serbia and Montenegro).

„EU-Trainer Programme in Serbia- Examination workshop“
Workshop, 1 – 2 April 2003, Belgrade (Union Serbia and Montenegro).

„Capacity Building in Public Administration in the Stabilisation and Association Process“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry of International Economic Relations and European Integration, 17 “ 18 June 2003, Podgorica (Union Serbia and Montenegro).

„Sustainability and Training Experiences“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry of International Economic Relations, 20 – 21 June 2003, Belgrade (Serbia).

„The Common Agriculture Policy of the EU: Implications for Serbia“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry of International Economic Relations, 28 August 2003, Belgrade (Union Serbia and Montenegro).

„The Veterinary Policy of the EU- enhancing exports from Serbia“
Workshop in co-operation with the Montenegrin Ministry for Relations in Foreign Trade and Payments and European Integration, 16 – 17 September 2003, Podgorica (Union Serbia and Montenegro).

„New Developments of the Stabilization and Association Process, Common Agriculture Policy of the EU“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry of International Economic Relations and European Integration, 18 – 19 September 2003, Podgorica (Union Serbia and Montenegro).

„Environmental Policy of the EU“
Workshop in co-operation with the Department for European Integration of the Serbian Ministry of International Economic Relations, 23 – 24 September 2003, Belgrade (Union Serbia and Montenegro).

„Organic Farming:  environment standards in the EU“
Workshop in co-operation with the Montenegrin Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Supply, 30 October 2003, Podgorica (Union Serbia and Montenegro).

„The European Environmental Policy“
Seminar in co-operation with the Serbian Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection, 10 – 11 November 2003, Belgrade (Union Serbia and Montenegro).


Republik Moldau

„The European Union and Moldova: Transition processes and Strengthening the partnership“
Workshop in co-operation with the Institute for Public Policy, 28 February – 5 March 2003, Chisinau (Moldova).

„The European Union and Moldova: Transition processes and Strengthening the partnership: Governance in Transition“
Workshop in co-operation with the Institute for Public Policy, 17 -19 June 2003, Chisinau (Moldova).

„Wider Europe and the Stabilisation and Association Process in Moldova“
Workshop in co-operation with the Institute for Public Policy, 3 – 9 October 2003, Chisinau, (Moldova).



„Practical EU-Training experience“
Workshop in co-operation with Macedonian Centre for European Training and the Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia (FOSIM), 10 – 12 May 2003, Skopje (Macedonia).

„Workshop on EU Environmental Policy and Standardisation in the Internal Market“
Workshop in co-operation with Macedonian Centre for European Training and the Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia (FOSIM), 12- 14 July 2003, Skopje (Macedonia).

„EU Internal Market and a accession to the European Union“
Workshop in co-operation with the Government of the Republic of Macedonia (Sector for European Integration), Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia (FOSIM), and the Macedonian Centre for European Training, 9 – 10 October 2003, Mavrovo (Macedonia).

„Justice and Home Affairs in the EU accession process“
Workshop in co-operation with Macedonian Centre for European Training and the Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia (FOSIM), 25 – 27 October 2003, Skopje (Macedonia).

„EU financial assistance programmes“
Workshop in co-operation with Macedonian Centre for European Training and the Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia (FOSIM), 14 -17 November 2003, Skopje (Macedonia).

„EU integration and the process of enlargement“
Workshop in co-operation with the Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia (FOSIM), Macedonian Center for European Training (MCET), 5 – 7 December 2003, Skopje (Macedonia).



„Training Strategy workshop“
Workshop in co-operation with the Training Institute for Public Administration, 20 – 23 May 2003, Tirana (Albania).

„Albania and the Stabilisation and Association Process with the EU“
Workshop in co-operation with the Training Institute for Public Administration and Team Europe in Albania, 15 – 19 September 2003, Tirana (Albania).

Workshop in co-operation with the Training Institute for Public Administration and Team Europe in Albania, 21 – 23 October 2003, Tirana (Albania).

„Albania“s challenges in the SAP“
Workshop in co-operation with the Training Institute for Public Administration and Team Europe in Albania, 23 -27 November 2003, Tirana (Albania).

„The EU, the Stability Pact for SEE and SAP“
Workshop in co-operation with the Training Institute for Public Administration and Team Europe in Albania, 9 December 2003, Tirana (Albania).



„Orientation & Planning Workshop“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry for European Integration, 4 – 5 June 2003, Zagreb (Croatia).

„Convention: Future debate on the European Union“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry for European Integration, 13 – 16 October 2003, Zagreb (Croatia).

„The Enlargement of the EU: Pros & Cons for Croatia“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry for European Integration, 27 – 30 October 2003, Zagreb (Croatia).

„EU-Training: Methods and Didactics“
Workshop in co-operation with the Ministry for European Integration, 11 – 13 November 2003, Zagreb (Croatia).


Bosnien und Herzegowina

„Education for Europe“
Workshop, 12 June 2003, Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina).

„The long Way to a European Constitution “ The European Convention Put to a Test“
Workshop in co-operation with the Civil Service Agency (CSA) and the EU Trainer Team, 27 – 30 October 2003, Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina).

„Bosnia-Herzegovina and the EU: Challenges and Perspectives“
Workshop in co-operation with the Civil Service Agency (CSA) and the EU Trainer Team, 1-3 December 2003, Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina).

„Round Table Session: Status quo and Perspectives for the EU Trainer Team Bosnia-Herzegovina“
Workshop in co-operation with the EU Trainer Team Bosnia-Herzegovina, 10 – 12 December 2003, Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina).

„The Common Agricultural Policy of the EU“
Workshop in co-operation with the Serbian Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management, 12 December 2003, Belgrade (Union Serbia and Montenegro).



„Sustainability and Training Experience“
Workshop, 29 – 30 June 2003, Bratislava (Slovakia).

„Strategic Planning Workshop: Perspectives for 2003 and Beyond“
Workshop in co-operation with the EU Trainer Team Slovakia, 15 “ 19 September 2003, Bratislava (Slovakia).

„Are we ready to join the EU“ “ Selected Policy Fields Put to a Test“
EU Trainer Workshop in co-operation with the Government Office Slovakia, 18 – 20 October, Bratislava (Slovakia).
Study trip Brussels 20 “ 21 October 2003, Brussels (Belgium).

„From Negotiations to Accession: Slovakia´s Way into the European Union“
Workshop in co-operation with the Government Office Slovakia, 3 – 5 November 2003, Bratislava (Slovakia).

„Structural Funds Management: What´s in for Slovakia““
Workshop in co-operation with the EU Trainer Team and the Government Office Slovakia, 7 – 10 November 2003, Bratislava (Slovakia).

„Where does Europe end: “ The New Neighbourhood Policy of the European Union“
Seminar in co-operation with the EU Trainer Team Slovakia and with the Government Office Slovakia, 15 – 17 November 2003, Bratislava (Slovakia).

„Regional Policy Issues in Eastern Slovakia: Opportunities and Obstacles“
EU Trainer Workshop in co-operation with the People´s Foundation and the European Information Centre, 26 “ 28 November 2003, Bardejov (Slovakia).

„Presentation Workshop: Results and Achievements 2003“
Seminar in co-operation with the EU Trainer Team and the Government Office Slovakia, 8 – 9 December 2003, Bratislava (Slovakia).

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