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Workshop on EU Competition Policy in Verkhovna Rada

Compe­tition was at the core of our 7th workshop for staffers of several Ukrainian parlia­mentary committees from 10 to 11 October 2016. The workshop was led by Constanze Aka, project manager at IEP.

The training conveyed a compre­hensive overview of the EU compe­tition policy and acquis. Numerous case examples from Croatia’s European integration process illus­trated not only the complexity of the subject, but in particular the relevance of antitrust and state aid legis­lation and enforcement. It goes without saying that the partic­i­pants consol­i­dated their knowledge in a compet­itive way: They mastered an EU compe­tition quiz! Furthermore, they applied the newly acquired infor­mation to their national lawmaking by identi­fying legis­lation that is at odds with the oblig­a­tions deriving from the Associ­ation Agreement with the European Union. This exercise was comple­mented by an expert talk with a repre­sen­tative of the Ukrainian Anti- Monopoly Committee who presented the state of play regarding state aid reform.

Last but not least, the workshop was finalized by a presen­tation and discussion on the EU coordi­nation within the German Bundestag.
