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Europeanization beyond process – Berlin Policy Hub

The “Europeanization beyond process” initiative seeks to bridge the gap between Europeanization discourses in EU member states and EU neigh­boring countries by bringing together policy research organi­za­tions from Eastern Partnership countries with their counter­parts and decision-makers in the EU capitals.

In the framework of the initiative IEP acts as a policy hub in Berlin — a first contact-point, hosting insti­tution and gateway for think tanks from Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine eager to expand their networks with German research insti­tu­tions and relevant policy makers. The policy hub also functions as a mentoring center for capacity devel­opment and transfer of knowledge and supports its Eastern European partner organi­za­tions in success­fully conducting and presenting their research to the German audience and facil­i­tates advocacy visits to Berlin.

Twitter Logo Follow us on Twitter: @BerlinPolicyHub


Eastern European Insights:

The Berlin Policy Hub Project also encom­passes the „Eastern European Insights“ series, where our partner insti­tu­tions give their opinion on current devel­op­ments in their respective home countries and the wider region.

All articles of the series can be found here:




Sarah Pagung (DGAP), Stanislav Ghiletchi (IPRE); November 2018

“Moldova’s Europeanization and interethnic cohesion – a delicate balancing act”
Sarah Pagung (DGAP), Stanislav Ghiletchi (IPRE), Cristina Gherasimov; September 2019

“Moldova’s Europeanization and interethnic cohesion – a delicate balancing act” (SECOND EDITION)
Sergiu Gaibu (Expert-Grup), Andres Knobel; November 2018

“Moldova as a case study of new money laundering patterns. Lessons to learn and impli­ca­tions for the EU” 
Theocharis Grigo­riadis (Freie Univer­sität Berlin), Sergiu Gaibu (Expert-Grup); February 2019

“Economic Models of Aid Effec­tiveness in Moldova”
Hlib Vyshlinsky, Dmytro Yablonovskyy, Bohdan Prokhorov (CES), Oksana Kuziakiv, Yevhen Anhel (IER), Dr. Niclas Rüffer (GIZ); June 2019

“How can Ukrainian SME grow into national and global champions? Based on the German experience” 
Kornely Kakachia (GIP), Katrin Böttger (IEP); July 2019

“Georgian-German Relations in the Context of Euro-Atlantic Integration. How to Align Expectations?”
Paata Gaprindashvili (GRASS), Mariam Tsitsikashvili (GIP), Gogi Zoidze (GRASS); 2019

“One Step Closer — Georgia, EU Integration and the Conflict Settlement?”
Alyona Getmanchuk (NEC), Sergiy Solodkyy (NEC), Susan Stewart (SWP), Ljudmyla Melnyk (IEP) June 2020

“Prior­ities and Expec­ta­tions from Ukraine and Germany: How to make bilateral relations more sustainable”


Project Team:

Dr. Katrin Böttger (Director) — E‑Mail
Dominic Maugeais (Senior Project Manager) — E‑Mail
Stefanie Rasche (Project Manager) — E‑Mail
Louise Koch (Project Assistant) — E‑Mail


Partner Organi­za­tions:

1 Centre for Economic Strategy (CES)
EPRC_LOGO1(1) The Economic Policy Research Center (EPRC)
 2 Expert-Grup
 3 Georgian Institute of Politics (GIP)
grass logo Georgia’s Reforms Associates (GRASS)
4 Institute for European Policies and Reforms (IPRE)
New Europe Center (NEC)


This project is supported by the Open Society Founda­tions. The opinions expressed by the project and its publi­ca­tions may not reflect OSF’s views.
