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Study Group: European Foreign Policy-Making

Academics and officials from the EU member states, the applicant countries and EU insti­tu­tions that deal with questions of the EU’s role in inter­na­tional politics regularly meet in this study group to discuss the current agenda of CFSP and ESDP. With the support of the former Permanent Repre­sen­tative of Belgium to the EU, Ambas­sador Philippe de Schoutheete de Tervarent, the study group organises expert seminars on topical issues like the EU’s civil and military crisis management opera­tions, e.g. in former Yugoslavia, the appli­cation and further devel­opment of the CFSP instru­ments like joint actions, common strategies and common decla­ra­tions. The insti­tu­tional set-up of the CFSP and its evolution over the nineties in the various inter­gov­ern­mental confer­ences and in the European Convention has also been discussed regularly.

Contact: Dr. Elfriede Regelsberger