
integration 2/2011

May 2011

Two articles of the new issue of integration analyse the current and future efforts to reform the European economic and monetary union. Other topics relate to the Union for the Mediter­ranean and the regional integration on the EU common market for electricity. Furthermore, the “Trans European Policy Studies Associ­ation“ and the „Arbeit­skreis Europäische Integration“ report from three confer­ences, which deal with the Franco-German couple, the results of the Lisbon Treaty and the Danube area as a strategic region.

  • Quarterly Journal "integration"

integration 1/2011

February 2011

The current issue of integration reviews the newest chapter of European integration, which ended with the entering into force of the Lisbon Treaty. On this basis the authors draw conclu­sions for the future European policy and map out current debates. Topics of the issue are the debate on the insti­tu­tional reform, the role of the High Repre­sen­tative, the European Social Model, and questions concerning a European identity. Furthermore books on CFSP are reviewed, and IEP and AEI report from four conferences.

  • Quarterly Journal "integration"

integration 4/2010

November 2010

Two articles of the new issue of integration deal with the imple­men­tation of the Lisbon Treaty. One article examines the new role of the President of the European Council, while the other discusses the increased compe­tences of the German parliament in EU-policy. Other topics discussed are the current problems within the Eurozone and lessons that can be drawn from the Schuman Decla­ration for the EU’s future. Furthermore the IEP and the AEI report from four confer­ences dealing with different topics.

  • Quarterly Journal "integration"