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Policy Paper No. 5: Synopsis of Reviews of “The EU and Central Asia: Strategy for a New Partnership”

Shortly before the European External Action Service (EEAS) will publish its new progress report, the IEP Policy Paper on Eastern Europe and Central Asia No. 5 presents a synopsis of previous reviews of “The EU and Central Asia: Strategy for a New Partnership” (CA strategy) by other authors. After a comple­mentary summary of the CA strategy objec­tives, the synopsis summarises main findings of these earlier reviews for six of the seven prior­ities areas outlined in the CA strategy. The reviews include those of the EU insti­tu­tions (Council, EEAS, Court of Auditors) as well as two from independent researchers. This will enable the ready to compare the forth­coming EEAS review to the previous debates evalu­ating the progress in EU-CA relations. Finally, based on the synopsis of the reviews of the CA strategy, the document addresses the question, whether a regional approach or a country specific approach to EU-CA relations is poten­tially more fruitful for each of the priority areas.
