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integration 3/2013

In this issue of integration Axel Schäfer and Fabian Schulz analyse the content, the formation and the signif­i­cance of the Partic­i­pation Act EUZBBG for the German Bundestag. In addition, the issue offers an analysis of the comitology’s funda­mental reform since the entering into force of the Lisbon Treaty. Furthermore, it deals with the question, whether Europe’s national debt crisis is a crisis of European integration. Consid­ering the EU’s current internal and external challenges and the situation in Irland, the journal takes a glance at Ireland’s seventh EU Council Presidency.

Swirling Down or Constructive Crises? The History of Crises in Decision-Making along European Integration

Hartmut Kaelble

The European Union has undergone a severe crisis since 2007. This crisis is not only of a financial, economic and public debt matter but in fact is it a severe crisis of European integration. The time of urgent rescue measures, however, seems to have been overcome but any mistaken decision might poten­tially revive the crisis. Under the circum­stances of this uncer­tainty, the article compares the current crisis with other crises in the long history of European integration crises and discusses what is new about it and which patterns have been repeated. Based on three crisis narra­tives (crises swirling down, periodical crises and constructive crises) the author presents a typology of crises of European integration and thereby, identifies four necessary condi­tions for constructive crises.

Irland’s 7th Presidency of the European Union: Reputation Building and Recovery

Brigid Laffan

On January 1st 2013, Ireland assumed the Presi­dency of the Council for the 7th time. Taking over the respon­si­bil­ities of the Presi­dency coincided with the 40th anniversary of Ireland’s accession to the European Union in 1973. Ireland’s 7th Presi­dency was challenging. First, Ireland found itself in the unenviable position of being a ‘programme country’ having had to request a bail-out from the other Euro states and IMF in November 2010. Second, this presi­dency was conducted under the rules of the Lisbon Treaty which made substantial changes in the role and prerog­a­tives of the rotating presi­dency. Ireland has always prided itself on running efficient and effective presi­dencies and achieving tangible negoti­ating outcomes. This presi­dency had the added priority of completing the repairs to Ireland’s battered reputation following the crisis. Beyond the presi­dency, Ireland’s future prosperity in the Euro zone depends on a return to growth and on euro area that has addressed the design faults in Euro zone.

The Reform of Comitology with and after the Lisbon Treaty: The End Of The World As We Know It?

Annette Elisabeth Töller

With and after the Lisbon Treaty Comitology experi­enced a surpris­ingly radical reform of which the winner seems to be the Commission. Most observers, however, expect the ECJ to draw a difficult line between Art. 290 and 291 TFEU. The question is why such a radical reform on treaty level was possible at all while the reform of comitology rules on a lower level turned out to be so little radical. In answering this question, rational-choice expla­na­tions concep­tu­al­izing community insti­tu­tions and Member States as fully rational actors do not get very far while approaches including cultural factors and unintended conse­quences explain a lot more. Yet the puzzle remains how the intro­duction of delegated legis­lation including at least a partial abolition of comitology could survive two inter­gov­ern­mental confer­ences without being withdrawn by the Member States.

The Europeanisation of the Bundestag – on the Reform of the Accompanying Law EUZBBG

Axel Schäfer and Fabian Schulz

The partic­i­pation of the German Bundestag in European affairs has become a topic of interest for scholars as well as for policy-makers since the German consti­tu­tional court’s verdict on the Lisbon Treaty. Decisions by the federal court and the financial crisis made Europe a crucial issue in the debates of the German parliament. A set of partic­i­patory rights has been estab­lished to ensure parlia­mentary legit­imacy and a decisive role of the elected deputies. The most important law is the accom­pa­nying-act EUZBBG which has been reformed in summer 2013. This article deals with its creation, its content in particular and the role it might play in the upcoming years.


Markus Hesse

Inter­diszi­plinäre Betra­ch­tungen europäischer und inter­na­tionaler Weltraumpolitik


Claudia Hefftler und Linda Dieke

Nationale Parla­mente in der Europäischen Union: Demokratie im Mehrebe­nen­system der EU

Frédéric Krumbein und Julian Plottka

Die Zusam­me­narbeit der Polizei in Europa: rechtlicher Rahmen, Forschungs­stand und Perspektiven