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Die politische Ordnung in Tunesien und die Beziehungen mit der EU seit 2011: Dezentralisierung als Blaupause?

Since 2011 Tunisia underwent a democ­ratic transition, yet still finds itself in the middle of a consol­i­dation process. Political challenges are still too numerous to allow for permanent accep­tance of the democ­ratic order. This intro­ductory article should, next to supplying the reader with an inventory of the democ­ra­ti­zation of Tunisia and the EU-Tunisia relationship, outline, by means of the example of the socio-reginal dichotomies, possible oppor­tunity windows for the EU in the course of the ENP. Huge potential for democ­ratic consol­i­dation is attributed to the decen­tral­ization process in Tunisia although more engagement of local, regional, national and inter­na­tional actors would be needed.

The whole article by Prof. Dr. Thomas Demmel­huber can be downloaded here.

