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The Berlin Policy Hub Team welcomes a delegation from the Georgian think tank GRASS

From 25 February to 1 March 2019 a delegation from the Georgian think tank GRASS (Georgia’s Reform Associates) visited the Berlin Policy Hub at IEP. GRASS is an independent think tank based in Tbilisi. Their activ­ities include projects on enhancing the knowledge on the EU in different regions in Georgia and on checking state­ments by Georgian politi­cians on their accuracy (“fact-check”) to improve the quality of the political discourse.

Our guests from GRASS Paata Gaprindashvili, director, the research fellows Mariam Tsitsikashvili and Gogi Zoidze as well as Vakhtang Charaia, affil­iated researcher, met with members of Caucasus Watch and the Berlin Center for Caspian and Eurasian Studies, as well as with repre­sen­ta­tives of Democracy Reporting Inter­na­tional (DRI) and the Centre for East European and Inter­na­tional Studies (ZOiS). In addition, the group had meetings at the Federal Foreign Office and the Federal Chancellery to brief their inter­locutors on recent devel­op­ments in Georgia. GRASS also presented its latest research paper on conflict settlement in Abkhazia against the background of EU associ­ation at a public event at the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) and discussed their findings with the audience.

The project “Berlin Policy Hub” is part of the “Europeanization beyond Process” initiative supported by the Open Society Founda­tions. The hub estab­lished at IEP strengthens the network of researchers and think tankers from Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine with their German counter­parts and offers them oppor­tu­nities to present their expertise and research results in Germany.

You can find more infor­mation on our project website and our partner organ­i­sation GRASS can be found here.
