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New project “German-American Dialogue on the Post-Soviet Space” in co-operation with the German Marshall Fund

Our new project: “German-American Dialogue on the Post-Soviet Space: Assessing the State of European Integration and Potential for Transat­lantic Cooper­ation – the Case of Moldova” seeks to foster transat­lantic dialogue on the post-soviet space and is imple­mented in co-operation with the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF).

The project aims at reviewing policies and instru­ments of Germany, in the framework of the European Neigh­bourhood Policy and the Eastern Partnership and those of the U.S. with respect to their capacity to support trans­for­mation processes in the post-soviet space.

Within a series of four dialogue workshops the exchange between repre­sen­ta­tives from the U.S., Germany and other European countries and the target countries of the Eastern Partnership will be promoted.

Please find more infor­mation on the project’s website…