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Issue 4/2019 of integration published

New Commission, digital­i­sation, geopo­litical shifts – as the year 2019 draws to an end, the European Union (EU) has equipped itself with new insti­tu­tions while facing a set of challenges for the European integration process. This opens a broad catalogue of crucial questions in the field of European studies. In the issue 4/2019 of the quarterly journal integration you will find inspiring insights into European integration research and detailed answers to the internal and external challenges that the EU is facing:

In separating the notion of integration from program­matic attri­bu­tions, Frank Schim­melfennig offers inter­esting reflec­tions on a theoretical new conception for a more future-oriented European integration. Highly topical is Daniel Göler’s and Florence Reiter’s article that deals with the challenges of web-based data storage for European studies. Johannes Müller Gómez and Wulf Reiners take into account the insti­tu­tional compe­tition between the European Parliament and the European Council ten years after coming into force of the Lisbon Treaty by regarding the inter­gov­ern­mental and supra­na­tional elements of their division of compe­tences. Central to Yvonne Nasshoven’s article about the “Spitzenkan­di­daten­prinzip” is her analysis of the appointment of the President of the European Commission after the 2019 European elections as well as her conclu­sions drawn from that for possible scenarios in 2024. Based on regional and geopo­litical devel­op­ments as well as lessons learned from the previous Central Asia Strategy, Katrin Böttger, Yvonne Braun and Julian Plottka provide a first assessment of the new strategy from May 2019. Erik Brandes reports on the annual conference of the IEP in September 2019 in Berlin which focused on Germany’s role in Europe.

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