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Final session of the GIZ training for financial regulators in Ukraine

The fifth and final workshop on imple­menting the EU Acquis in the area of financial services took place between 22 and 24 November in Kyiv. Partic­i­pants coming from National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) and state financial regulators continued their work on main EU financial direc­tives and the final outcome of the training series.

Together with Ms. Ana Šabić (Croatian National Bank), the group worked inten­sively on the upcoming changes for the Economic and Monetary Union. Beyond that, all partic­i­pants reviewed the provi­sions on the Central Bank’s indepen­dence, which is the key to price stability.

However, when it comes to imple­menting the EU-Ukraine Associ­ation Agreement further coordi­nation of the legal alignment proce­dures is needed. After a simulation led by Ms. Anne Bercio (IEP), one of the outputs of the training series was presented: a coordi­nation scheme for all Ukrainian stake­holders concerning the imple­men­tation of Chapter 6 “Financial Services” of the Deep and Compre­hensive Free Trade Agreement.

The second day of the training concen­trated on current efforts of the NBU to align with the EU’s legis­lation on Anti-Money Laundering. Together with Ms. Marcela Kir (Croatian National Bank) partic­i­pants continued the prepa­ration for a timely trans­po­sition and imple­men­tation of the AML Directive.

The training concluded with the group’s presen­tation of the main takeaways to NBU EU department repre­sented by Ms. Lyudmila Labur (NBU and GIZ EU Trainer Alumna) and Mr. Volodymyr Kuchyn (NBU) as well as Ms. Olga Stefan­ishyna (Director of Government Office for European Integration).

Concluding remarks were given by Mrs. Anne Bercio and Mr. Kuchyn followed by a short summa­rizing video:
