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EBD Telegram on European Solidarity in the Corona Crisis: Message from IEP

The concept of solidarity is currently on every­one’s lips. Be it with refugees in Moria on Lesbos, profes­sional groups who carry out system­i­cally relevant activ­ities or people who belong to risk groups: All over the world societies try to stand together in isolation — at least metaphor­i­cally speaking. But to what extent is solidarity national or European? To what extent does it function beyond national borders? For the EBD Telegram compiled by the European Movement of Germany (EBD), Dr. Katrin Böttger, Director at IEP, spoke out on this topic with regard to Europe as a community of values and opposed national actionism in the fight against COVID-19: “Even in times of corona: More Europe instead of retreating to the nation states!

The message was published in the context of the EBD Telegram about European Solidarity in the corona crisis. You can read the detailed post here.