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A paneuropean plea for the German EU Council Presidency

Dr. Funda Tekin, Director at Institut für Europäische Politik, Nicoletta Pirozzi, Istituto Affari Inter­nazionali and Ilke Toygür, Real Instituto Elcano jointly analyse and assess the challenges for the German EU Council Presi­dency and plea for bold and smart invest­ments in the future of Europe. Their recom­men­da­tions have been published at Euractiv Germany, Italy and Spain.

German: Ein Plädoyer für die deutsche Ratspräsi­dentschaft: Mutig und klug in die Zukunft investieren

Italian: Un appello alla presi­denza tedesca: investire con coraggio e intel­li­genza sul futuro dell’Europa 

Spanish; Un llamamiento a la presi­dencia alemana: invierta con valentía e inteligencia en el futuro de Europa