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Third workshop of the German-American Dialogue: “Transatlantic Cooperation in the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood”

© German Marshall Fund of the United States 2017

From 14 to 15 June 2017 the third workshop of the German-American Dialogue on the Post-Soviet Space was held at the premises of the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) in Washington D.C., under the title: “Trans­at­lantic Coope­ration in the EU’s Eastern Neigh­bourhood – Old challenges, New Policies?”. The event successfully facili­tated an open and much-needed discussion between a dedicated group of 50 stake­holders, policy­makers and practi­tioners working on important geostra­tegic challenges and issues impacting Germany, the European Union and Europe’s Eastern neighborhood.

Over the course of two days, the parti­ci­pants heard different perspec­tives on the major obstacles to trans­for­mation in the Eastern Partnership countries, including in Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova, and identified areas of coope­ration that would be better served by a more syste­matic and coordi­nated Trans­at­lantic approach. Concrete sugges­tions were articu­lated for how Trans­at­lantic partners can continue to progress and advance their interests in Eastern Europe, support greater Euro-Atlantic integration and address Russia’s desta­bi­lizing agenda. Given the shifting power struc­tures in Washington and Europe it became clear, that a focused dialogue is needed to bridge growing gaps and percep­tions between the new Adminis­tration in Washington and European allies.

The workshop was the third of four workshops in the framework of the German-American Dialogue on the post-Soviet space. The project is realized in coope­ration with the German Marshall Fund of the United States, with support of the Trans­at­lantik-Programm of the Federal Republic of Germany funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) through means of the European Recovery Program (ERP). The next workshop in the series will be held in November this year in Berlin.

