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Invitation: 14th Ukraine Breakfast Debate on 15 July 2019

Since the Revolution of Dignity, the population showed an incre­asing demand for the reform of the judicial system and the fight against corruption. A major role in this reform process is played by civil society organiza­tions who advocate and monitor these develo­p­ments. The constant pressure of civil society pushed the government to establish a new Anti-Corruption Court of Ukraine, increase trans­pa­rency in decision-making, and improve access to public infor­mation and open data, thus providing activists with stronger controlling tools.

Anti-corruption activism also increased in the Ukrainian regions after the Revolution of Dignity for several reasons, one of which being the decen­tra­lization reform. As a result of this reform, the power of the central government has been reduced, munici­pa­lities in Ukraine have gained additional financial resources and additional authority over local services delivery. However, the decen­tra­lization efforts produced undesi­rable conse­quences for the state of corruption in the country – it moved corruption schemes from the center to local government posing important challenges for local anti-corruption civil society organizations.

In this context, several questions arise: Which role does the new Anti-Corruption Court of Ukraine play in the fight against corruption? How is it possible to ensure an independent and trust­worthy judiciary? How will the new president and the new government shape the anti-corruption process? Which successes and failures of anti-corruption activism in all regions of Ukraine since 2014 can be deter­mined and which internal and contextual factors are respon­sible for the success or failure of anti-corruption civil society organiza­tions? And finally: How can inter­na­tional partners effec­tively support anti-corruption activism?

These and further questions will be addressed during our 14th Ukraine Breakfast Debate on the topic “The Fight against Corruption in Ukraine: The Role of Judicial System and Regional Civil Society Organiza­tions“. We warmly invite you to join us at IEP on Monday, 15 July 2019, from 9:00 AM to 10:45 AM to discuss with our experts Iryna Shyba, Executive Director of DEJURE Foundation in Kyiv, and Oksana Huss, Post-Doctoral Researcher at Leiden University and co-founder of the Inter­di­sci­plinary Corruption Research Network (

This event is organized by the IEP project “Platform for Analytics and Inter­cul­tural Commu­ni­cation” (PAIC) which aims at promoting profes­sional expertise among Ukrainian think tanks, creating synergies between German and Ukrainian think tanks and trans­ferring knowledge about develo­p­ments in Ukraine to Germany. PAIC is conducted in close coope­ration with the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initia­tives Foundation (DIF, Kyiv) and the think tanks develo­pment and research initiative think twice UA (Kyiv) and is kindly supported by the Federal Foreign Office.

Please note, that this event will take place in English.

Regis­tration: Please register here until 11 July 2019. In case any questions occur please refer them to Matthias Meier (

Terms of participation:
Please note, that the number of seats is limited. After receiving a confir­mation to your regis­tration the parti­ci­pation is mandatory.
Please note, that the event is held under Chatham House Rule. By your regis­tration you agree to its appliance.
Please note, that pictures will be taken during the event. By regis­tering, you agree to their public release.